Vayaam Education,Udaipur

Protest against women violence and Delhi case by Vayaam Udaipur

The time has come now too much have been done and experienced, Its time to act now. I know I am not a very big personality to do something or to bring a change instantly but all i am asking  you is to do your bit and if everyone will do their bit surely it can bring at least some change in the thinking of people and society. As it is said that each drop makes an ocean and so we should do our bit and not think about others that he is doing it or not.

Many people say that they condemn protest and that it is of no use. But i say that is just sitting in home going to help? No. So at least we should come out and keep our point of view. Anna Hazare taught the new young India that how to protest. People say that what we got out of protest..Nothing. But i would like to quote here that it brought youth together, it changed our thinking and at least youth today think in this direction.

Everywhere there is politics even in the processions and the protest rallies and we can’t avoid it, it is and always will be there. But out of 100 people in the rally even if 10 come with genuineness our purpose is fulfilled. Because each of those 10 can enlighten many hundreds. So just sitting in your couch and blaming the government for all that is happening is not the solution. It is we who have to change and bring about the change. If 100 Crore people come together and think about it then that day is not so far when we will be a superpower with a safe and ever evolving society to be with.

We have to change our thought process and I request all of the people reading this that at least think about it and if u will start thinking things will start to happen automatically. I started thinking and here i am writing this. Its a grave situation youth needs to be awakened  or we all will fall.

Mayank Pokharna

2013-01-01 17.09.29


VAYAAM is an International Organization comprising of Learned Laureates, Corporate Executives,  International Persons & Experienced Faculty having main Objective to Facilitate Indian Education Sector.


To strengthen Indian Education Sector and ultimately decrease Poverty!


We are a leading NGO, keen to help poor and needy kids through our intensive study structure including Computer Skills, Vocational Training & English!

We have our sister concern & Board Members all over world including India, Japan & USA.

Current Courses for Poor & underprivileged society people so that they can earn their daily bread:
Free Vocational Training.
Free Computer literacy.
Free English Knowledge.

Old Projects:
1. Vayaam… Step Up Together For The Streets
To gather clothes, shoes, books & other entities for poor and distributing the same!
2. Vayaam Go Live- Udaipur.

Near Future Projects:
1. eLearning in all organizations
2. Shilpgrams/ Exhibition conduction for Handicrafts Manufactured

Vayaam Education Udaipur

Mayank Pokharna, Lovina Murdia, Dhruv Kothari, Viplav Mehta.
Contact Info:

Email Id  :
Phone No. 9413052414, 9929067450

*Contact us if you are enthusiastic to change the world!

You can join us as: Passive/ Active Member/ Volunteer
: Franchisee partnership
: CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

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